Hearts & Harmonies
The earth has completed another full eclipse around the sun, so did we all! When we ripped off another calendar sheet these days and setting up our resolutions for the year, we realised that the only resolution must be spreading love and living in harmony. Especially in the recent global development where we can see a heavy shift towards dehumanisation and anti-solidaric movements.
To counteract and as a start in the year, we want to celebrate human connection and love with you in all its beauty. Not only romantic and platonic love but in all its alterity, complexity and layered affection. For a partner, a lover, a friend or a stranger.
We invite you out for a night full of music, dancing, sharing laughter and harmony. Our deck doctors will affect us with their surgeoned harmonic noise where they give their hearts to make ours bounce. In rhythm.
Entrance price: Free. Card is accepted at the bar
Maximum capacity is 100.
Please come early to get a spot and support all the artists.
Hope to see you there to have fun and dance with us.
Rules of the house:
- No hard drugs.
- No BYOB! The bar is selling drinks at fair prices. Tap water for free.
- No tolerance for any form of racism, sexism, homophobia & transphobia. If you feel someone is displaying inappropriate behaviour, don’t hesitate to come up to one of us - we’ll be at the bar/door!
- We kindly ask you not to share photos/videos during the event. We strive for an environment where people come together to enjoy the moment. Please refrain from the social media world and if you must take pictures, please ask people's permission.
KraftWerket, KraftWerket
Valgårdsvej 2